The Thomas Jefferson Mystery- ‘No Such Thing as a Good Slave Owner’ –Next Part 36: Acknowledgment

‘No Such Thing as a Good Slave Owner’

Nash, constantly in the firing line of the public’s probing questions shares some of the wide range which are thrown at him. “Why did some slaves want to pass for white when they were freed,” one tourist asked, while another questioned: “why did Jefferson own slaves and write that all men are created equal?” Retrospectively, Nash’s answer reflects the realities of the time, “working in the fields was not a happy time. There were long days on the plantation.” “Enslaved people worked from sun-up to sundown six days a week. There was no such thing as a good slave owner.”

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It doesn’t get much clearer than that; any slave was still just that: a slave. The one thing these people yearned for, was something which was dangled in front of them yet not even remotely within their grasp; freedom. And the man who was supposedly able to grant them it, guarded his secret jealously.

By: Zoe Perry 



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