MANILA: Why is polio making a comeback in the Philippines?

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In today’s bulletin: A disease thought eradicated resurfaces in the Philippines; Interpol issues notice for tourist involved in rare Phuket killing; the Greta Thunberg-inspired global climate strike kicks off; and more.

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Health officials in the Philippines today reported two polio cases in a country that thought it had eradicated the disease 19 years ago. The poliovirus was also discovered in sewage samples taken in Manila and Davao City. The re-emergence of the disease – for which there is no cure – is being linked to a recent change in public attitudes towards vaccines. But this isn’t a straight-forward anti-vaxxer story. Many households in poor districts started shunning vaccines after a failed programme involving the world’s first dengue vaccine.

Polio is also making a comeback elsewherePolio returns to Papua New Guinea after 18 years: WHO

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