Yangon: Myanmar touts ASEAN pilot licensing

The government has underscored the need for Myanmar to join the ASEAN pilot certification programme as it can help boost the country’s aviation sector.

U Kyaw Myo, deputy minister of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, to members of the the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on Tuesday that the ASEAN pilot certification programme “is an important part in building a single ASEAN air transportation market.”

U Kyaw Myo told MPs the programme is basically issuing licenses to pilots that are recognised within the ASEAN region.

The programme is a way to show the active participation of a member country in the ASEAN air transport sector; to show that the country abides by the regulations, international safety standards, and procedures set by the ICAO

[International Civil Aviation Organization]; and to show that the pilot licences to be given out from aviation related schools within the region are of the same standards and procedures.

After signing this programme, pilots who are of Myanmar nationality that have attended aviation schools in ASEAN countries will be allowed to fly in airlines in Myanmar.

Also, the pilot licenses issued by another member country and the licenses from the mother country will be mutually recognized, according to U Kyaw Myo.

The programme for giving out airplane pilot licences that are ASEAN-certified will establish a mutual recognition system for airplane pilots in ASEAN member countries.

And there will be same standards and procedures set among ASEAN countries that are identical to the international standards and procedures set by the ICAO’s Convention on International Civil Aviation Annex 1 (Personnel Licensing), he added.

ASEAN, or the Association of South-East Asian Nations, is comprised of Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The 10-country regional grouping has began its march toward a single market last year.

Courtesy: The Myanmar Times | PYAE THET PHYO |  02 NOV 2017


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