LAW & REGULATION: Construction board to be formed under new law

Aung Myin Ye Zaw/The Myanmar Times


A law is being drafted to establish a Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) which will set standards for the construction industry, U Kyaw Lin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Construction told the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on August 20.

The new law is being drafted with help from the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore and the Malaysian CIDB.



U Kyaw Lin said the law will make sure that construction businesses across the country comply with international standards on safety, health and the environment. An official construction management manual setting norms for the industry will also be rolled out.

“After the legislation process is completed, a simple construction management manual will be released,” he said, adding that, “in it, required measures such as setting up a fire alarm system will be included.”

If a CIDB is established, rules enabling a more level playing field for larger construction companies and smaller ones can be set. The new law will cover both public and private projects and aim to generate more transparency in the bid and tender process as well as public spending.

“Standardised regulations and specifications, such as the allowable height or whether developers are allowed to build a mezzanine floor, will be set for the industry,” he said. It will also include a minimum standard of quality involving the type of building materials used. This will discourage developers from cutting corners to reduce costs and ensure projects are completed on time.

Following the enactment of the new law, the Ministry of Construction will relinquish its supervisory role over the construction of buildings to the state and regional governments. Meanwhile, officials found to be involved in corruption will be removed.

Although there are thousands of construction companies in Myanmar, few have good track records and experience in building high quality buildings. Among the reasons are the lack of access to capital – many firms run out of cash to complete projects or are forced to use lower quality materials. Meanwhile, construction materials and machinery are usually imported, which drives up costs. Myanmar also lacks skilled labour, U Kyaw Lin said./


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