MAGIC : 11 common magician’s biggest tricks explained – Part 3
11 common magician’s biggest tricks explained
Magic tricks have fascinated people for centuries, and people have always wondered about some of the ancient secrets about what goes on behind the scenes. In fact, there were many times that people were so impressed wit a particular trick that they began to wonder if real magic was taking place. However, we’ve uncovered some of the secrets magicians have tried to keep to themselves for years, and now we’re glad to be letting you in on the truth behind them.
Ice from water – Trick
No matter what we want to believe, water just does not evaporate or disappear into thin air and suddenly turn into an ice cube. Then how is it possible when a magician does it?

They pour water into a cup and then all of a sudden, there is ice. It turns out there is a very simple way to make this happen and it can be pulled off by just about anyone who wants to try it out.
Ice from water – Secret
What is the most common thing that is known to absorb water? We’ll give you a hint, you use it to clean dishes. That’s right; you need a sponge for this trick.

As a matter of fact, the ice doesn’t just appear out of nowhere; it’s actually there the whole time. So, the magician puts a sponge in a cup, then the ice, then pours the water. The sponge absorbs the water and then only the ice is left. They should, however, make sure the sponge matches the cup.
Walking through a wall – Trick
While many of probably wish that walking through walls was actually a possibility, it unfortunately is not possible and never will be. We know what you’re thinking; then how did the magician I once saw make it happen.

Well, they are definitely not a ghost, so there is another explanation for how they were able to pull this off so effortlessly without getting seriously injured. No one actually goes through walls, so if not through, then how?
Walking through a wall – Secret
The answer is – drum roll please – under. The magician is going under the wall. When performing this trick, there is a tunnel that runs from one side of the wall to the other.

While it looks like they are able to just slip through the wall like there’s nothing to it, they are actually slipping under it through a tunnel and then reappearing on the other side. Why else do you think there are sheets covering everything that’s happening during this trick?
Guessing a celebrity’s name – Trick
Have you ever wanted your friends to think that you can read your mind? Look no further! This trick involves writing the name of a celebrity on a piece of paper and placing it in a sealed envelope. Then, your friends need to shout out suggestions of celebrity names.

All you need to do is write them on pieces of paper and drop them into a hat. Once you have enough, someone can choose a random name from the hat only to discover you predicted their choice in the envelope all along!
Guessing a celebrity’s name – Secret
This can be a simple trick to pull out at any party. All you need to do is write down the name of any well-known celebrity on the envelope, such as Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, or Scarlett Johansson. The secret?

All you need to do is write down the name in the envelope multiple times while adding them to the hat – without letting your guests see the truth, of course. Wait until someone calls the name you have written and get someone to choose a piece of paper. They’ll never know there were never any other options..
Making the Statue of Liberty disappear – Trick
David Copperfield has been named as one of the most successful magicians of all time and has pulled off some pretty impressive tricks over the years. One of the biggest? Making the Statue of Liberty disappear.

That’s right; the illusionist showed the audience the statue through two pillars. He then raised a curtain and stepped behind it. When David emerged and the curtain dropped, the statue was gone! No one in the audience could believe their eyes. So how did he pull it off?
Making the Statue of Liberty disappear – Secret
Believe it or not, but David’s plan managed to convince a huge audience the Statue of Liberty had disappeared even though it never moved an inch. The audience had no idea they were on a giant lazy-Susan.

While David was busy performing his magic behind the curtain, the entire stage was slowly turning away from the statue. They merely spun around until they could no longer see the statue. It was so slow moving and performed at night to make sure no one caught on to the trick.
Coin through the glass – Trick
Some magicians have proven they can pull off incredible tricks with everyday objects. One of the many that has kept us entertained over the years is the glass going through a glass trick. It really is as simple as it sounds.

Magicians take a coin and place it in the palm of their hand. Then, they bang the glass against the palm of their hand with the coin a few times until it magically appears to travel through the glass and into the bottom of the cup.
Coin through the glass – Secret
This trick is all about having a good sleight of hand. To start, you need to bend your fingers over the coin in between each time you hit your hand. Do this a few times until you feel confident enough to pull off your trick.

Then, move the coin to the end of your fingers, and with the final slap of the glass on the palm of your hand you can throw the coin up into the air and land it in the glass. It all happens so fast that no one ever notices..