PHOTONEWS: Tall Volcano Still For Full Eruption – Aftermath Scenario
Image captionEven birds have been blanketed by ashfall
TAAL LAKE LIVELIHOOD A fisherman in Mataas na Kahoy town, Batangas province, uses a perch made of bamboo poles to scan the waters of Taal Lake for tilapia that he will catch using an improvised spear gun. Some residents in lakeshore villages in the town went about their activities on Monday morning despite Taal Volcano’s steam-driven eruption that started on Sunday. —CLIFFORD NUÑEZ
MAN, BEAST AND ASH A farmer in Laurel, Batangas, takes his carabao to safer ground as Taal Volcano spews ash. Below, a coconut plantation in the town has become a landscape of gray following an ashfall. —PHOTOS BY NIÑO JESUS ORBETA AND RICHARD A. REYES
Photo by Maricar Cinco
Photo by Maricar Cinco
Photo by Maricar Cinco
Photo by Maricar Cinco
Photo by Maricar Cinco

Ash fell on several areas nearby with residents advised to wear masks. One resident in metro Manila said shops had begun to run out of masks.


People in Manila wear face masks as supplies run out in many stores and in nearby provinces in the south. / Edd Gumban

A man points at the ashfall that covered a car in Langgam, San Pedro, Laguna on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020, as Taal Volcano spewed plumes and rock fragments to nearby areas.
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