COVID-19 PANDEMIC: BANGKOK- Another Thai soldier back from S. Sudan among 2 new virus cases

A doctor at Phramongkulklao Hospital checks the condition of a soldier infected with the novel coronavirus. (Photo from @UNMISS/TH/HMEC Facebook account)

The update-10.11.2020

Sick Earth-Plague Day 317


A Thai soldier returning from South Sudan was one of two new Covid-19 cases in the country, taking the accumulated total to 3,636, authorities said on Sunday.

No new deaths were reported.

The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration said one patient was a Thai soldier, 36, who was found Covid-positive in the fourth test on Friday and was sent to Phramongkutklao Hospital.

He returned to Thailand from South Sudan with 180 other soldiers on Sept 22 after completing UN pecekeeping duties in the African country. Thirty-one soldiers on the same flight earlier tested positive for the novel coronavirus after returning to Thailand.


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The other new case was a Japanese woman, 36, who was found to have the virus in the second test on Monday. She arrived in the kingdom from Japan on Sept 24 and was quarantined at a private hospital.

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