ASEANews HEADLINES: PHNOM PENH, Cambodia- Helping Phnom Penh’s needy during lockdown – The COVD Help story
In this extraordinary period of lockdown in Phnom Penh, many of us have grumbled about the inconvenience to our daily lives.
But for the vulnerable and poor in Phnom Penh, lockdown has brought not just inconvenience, but real suffering as they struggle to find the basic staples of life. A group calling itself COVD Help has stepped up to organise the purchase and distribution of food and hygiene kits for needy people in Phnom Penh. We spoke to the initiator of the project, Clare, a 33-year-old woman originally from France, about what they are doing and how you can help.
Q: Can you tell us how the project started?
A: Since March 25, we have been distributing food and hygiene kits in our local neighbourhood of BKK3. We have been targeting people who have lost their livelihoods due to the outbreak, like tuk-tuk drivers and cyclo drivers.
Since then, we have tried to expand our project to cover more vulnerable people in other districts such as trash collectors and people who live on the street.
The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 218 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances.
COVID-19 infection crosses 144.40 million globally as deaths cross 3.07 million.
Here is the GLOBAL status as of Thursday, 7am, April 22, 2021