ASEANews HEADLINES: BRUNEI DARUSSALAM – Duo arrested for mosque fire

Police arrested a duo suspected of being behind a fire that ravaged a mosque in RPN Kampong Mentiri in 2017. More details in Sunday’s Borneo Bulletin.



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Country/Region New Cases Total Cases Recovered Deaths
India 41,499 31,612,794 30,773,555 423,842
Indonesia 41,168 3,372,374 2,730,720 92,311
Iran 24,715 3,851,162 3,348,363 90,344
Turkey 22,083 5,704,713 5,449,253 51,253
Thailand 17,345 578,375 381,170 4,679
Malaysia 16,840 1,095,486 902,921 8,859
Bangladesh 13,862 1,240,115 1,064,195 20,467
Iraq 12,597 1,616,384 1,455,659 18,595
Japan 10,990 903,011 831,087 15,173
Vietnam 8,649 137,062 35,484 1,161
Philippines 8,556 1,580,818 1,491,072 27,722
Kazakhstan 7,778 564,885 467,972 5,780
Myanmar 5,127 294,460 205,677 8,942
Pakistan 4,537 1,024,861 938,843 23,295
Georgia 2,712 416,338 381,246 5,793
Nepal 2,467 693,109 652,261 9,834
Sri Lanka 2,460 306,662 275,212 4,380
Israel 2,280 871,343 848,474 6,469
S. Korea 1,707 196,806 172,757 2,089
UAE 1,520 679,321 656,680 1,943
Mongolia 1,294 162,869 162,788 809
Saudi Arabia 1,187 524,584 505,003 8,226
Kyrgyzstan 958 161,973 142,984 2,311
Lebanon 923 560,396 536,963 7,903
Uzbekistan 897 128,403 122,368 866
Kuwait 766 397,098 382,826 2,314
Jordan 760 770,150 750,141 10,020
Azerbaijan 668 343,216 332,752 5,022
Cambodia 668 76,585 69,198 1,375
Cyprus 635 101,419 80,178 419
Afghanistan 631 147,154 97,514 6,708
Armenia 264 229,867 219,701 4,608
Lao People’s Democratic Republic 244 5,919 2,774 6
Qatar 172 226,077 223,591 601
Singapore 139 64,861 62,733 37
Palestine 116 316,603 311,772 3,601
Maldives 107 77,309 74,481 221
Bahrain 106 269,080 266,705 1,384
Tajikistan 75 15,004 14,470 121
China 64 92,875 87,307 4,636
Timor-Leste 49 10,744 9,848 26
Taiwan 25 15,662 14,071 787
Yemen 16 7,058 4,171 1,375
Syrian Arab Republic 12 25,954 21,980 1,913
Brunei 3 336 278 3
Bhutan 2 2,508 2,371 2
Hong Kong 2 11,985 11,712 212
Macao 0 59 54 0
Oman 0 295,857 278,195 3,814



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