Health Latest COVID-19 DELTA VARIANT & VACCINES: ASEAN status as of 30 August 2021 August 30, 2021August 30, 2021 Contributor 0 Comment COVID-19 DELTA VARIANT & VACCINES: ASEAN status as of 30 August 2021 Khmer Times The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 219 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances. Asean as a whole has reported more than 9 million COVID-19 cases. Of this, more than 1.1 million are active cases as 30 August 2021 . ASEAN Covid-19 Table –COVID-19 DELTA VARIANT & VACCINES: ASEAN status as of 30 August 2021 . . . Ads by: Memento Maxima Digital Marketing SPACE RESERVE FOR ADVERTISEMENT It's only fair to share...