OPINION- TRUMP COUP D’ ETAT 1/6: WSJ FREE EXPRESSION – Republicans have a historic opportunity to redeem the nation- Gerard Baker
To Save America, the GOP First Has to Save Itself
Democrats need chutzpah to accuse Republicans of violating political norms—but they also have a point.
Journal Editorial Report: What’s Plan B for a faltering legislative program? Images: Bloomberg/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly
Democrats have spent a year trying to re-engineer the U.S. economy, redraft the nation’s social compact, and remake its political and legal institutions, all on the back of an imaginary electoral mandate. They’re going to spend a good deal of time in 2022 telling us how the Republican Party poses an existential threat to America as we know it.
We should take a moment to step back, admire the chutzpah and deride the hypocrisy. Many of us have devoted a good deal of time in the past year to pointing out the darkly illiberal direction of modern progressivism and the cant that sustains it. But if we want to find the path back to national renewal, conservatives should resolve to acknowledge that the challenges to democracy come not exclusively from one side.
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