HEADLINE : UN calls for regional response to boat crisis | Nearly 200 starving Rohingya reach Aceh after a month at sea

The United Nations refugee agency UNHCR has commended Indonesia for rescuing hundreds of Rohingya refugees who were stranded at sea for weeks and called on other nations in the region to do their part to address the fresh boat crisis.
“Indonesia has helped to save [more than 400] people in the past six weeks from four boats, showing its commitment and respect of basic humanitarian principles for people who face persecution and conflict. UNHCR urges other States to follow this example”, said the UN refugee agency in a written statement published on Tuesday.

The UN plea came as local communities and international NGOs in Aceh were providing emergency assistance to over 200 Rohingya people who arrived in the province on Sunday and Monday. Among them are believed to have been a boatload of an estimated 180 people who had languished at sea for weeks and who were feared lost.
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Nearly 200 starving Rohingya reach Aceh after a month at sea.

Some died of sickness. Others of dehydration.
But after more than a month adrift on the Andaman Sea without much food, medicine or a working engine, nearly 200 Rohingya reached Aceh province after their overcrowded, rickety wooden boat finally reached shore on Monday.
Among the emaciated refugees who survived the harrowing voyage, some were so malnourished they could barely walk and many had to be rehydrated via IV drips.
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