INDONESIA | In protest to repatriate Kurdish activists, Swedish-Danish activist Rasmus Paludan, burned a Quran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm

Protesters stand by a charred Swedish flag as they demonstrate in front of the Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul, Turkey, on Saturday, after Rasmus Paludan, leader of Danish far-right political party Hard Line and who also has Swedish citizenship, burned a copy of the Quran near the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm, inciting anger worldwide.(AFP/Yasin Akgul)


Quran burning in Sweden reignites anger in Muslim world

The politically symbolic burning of the Quran by a fringe European politician at the weekend has inflamed the Muslim world, with Indonesia among the latest to condemn the act amid demands for accountability.


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The defacing of Islam’s holy scripture is considered an act of provocation to most in Indonesia, host of the world’s largest Muslim population, regardless of whether the act was aimed at another nation entirely.


Swedish-Danish activist Rasmus Paludan, who has previously been convicted of racial abuse, repeated the act he did last year in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm on Saturday in protest against Ankara’s demands to repatriate Kurdish activists, a sticking point in Sweden’s attempt to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).


Yvette Tanamal
(The Jakarta Post
Jakarta   ●
Tue, January 24, 2023

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