HEADLINE: Laos, South Korea boost cooperation in tourism education

.Lao and Korean officials launch the tourism training scheme in Luang Prabang.



Two colleges in Laos and the Republic of Korea are partnering in a project to strengthen educational capacity and technical assistance to revive the tourism industry in the field of hotel management and tourism in Luang Prabang city.

Luang Prabang Technical Vocational College and Kunjang University College in Korea launched the project last week.

The two institutions will engage in an international cooperation programme to support leading universities and promote international talent in the tourism industry, through Korea’s Ministry of Education.


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Kunjang University College will provide funding support to Luang Prabang Technical Vocational College for the purchase of textbooks and other teaching materials, laboratories, and practical equipment.

The college will also send experts to assist with lectures, give advice, and develop textbooks.

During training, they will invite experts to give lectures and assist with other aspects of education, and emphasise the need for quality among faculty members.

In terms of textbook development, the project will develop teaching materials relating to tourism, hospitality, cooking, and beverage services.

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In addition, scholarships and additional training will be provided for outstanding students each year.

Director General of the Technical and Vocational Education Department, Ministry of Education and Sports, Mr Nouphanh Outsa, and representatives from Korea attended the project launch.

According to the Technical and Vocational Education Department, courses in tourism, hotel services and cooking in Laos are likely to increase in number, along with the number of participating students.

Many technical and vocational colleges have practical training facilities for students enrolled in tourism and hospitality programmes.

The Department of Technical and Vocational Education says that by giving students exposure to a real service environment at colleges, the department has improved the quality of education and ensured that graduates of tourism and hospitality courses acquire the necessary knowledge and skills demanded by the industry.

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Development assistance from Korea has contributed significantly to socio-economic development in Laos.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Korean government has agreed to provide more assistance to Laos in various priority areas and has reiterated the importance of cooperation between the two countries.

Laos and the Republic of Korea have collaborated in the fields of politics, reciprocal visits, trade and investment, defence, infrastructure development, general development aid, labour, public health, culture, tourism and education.


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By Times Reporters
(Latest Update May 4, 2023)

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