Today in Pictures- 11.10.23 | Large crowds enjoy Independence day celebrations in Phnom Penh

French skyscraper climber Alain Robert climbing the TotalEnergies skyscraper to call for “Peace in the Middle East” in Puteaux near Paris, France, Nov 6, 2023. PHOTO: REUTERS


A person standing on a car while looking at an aurora, caused by a coronal mass ejection on the Sun, that illuminate the skies in the southwestern Siberian Omsk region, Russia, Nov 6, 2023. PHOTO: REUTERS


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The Knife Angel sculpture, also known as The National Monument Against Violence and Aggression, created by artist Alfie Bradley from over 100.000 knives obtained from knife amnesties and weapons seized by British police forces, is seen on display as part of a national tour in Bolton, Britain, Nov 6, 2023. PHOTO: REUTERS

A pedestrian carrying a shopping bag and looking at his phone while walking past a mural decorating a construction site in central Sydney on Nov 6, 2023. PHOTO: AFP

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