HEADLINE-POLITICS | INDONESIA: More dynasties in the making in November regional head elections

A worker arranges ballot papers for the regional elections on Nov. 24, 2020 at the Celebes Convention Center in South Sulawesi’s provincial capital Makassar. (Antara/Arnas Padda)

Voters can expect to see more candidates with ties to incumbents in November’s regional head elections, as Indonesia’s electoral democracy seems set to revive the prevalence of political dynasties that shaped past administrations.





W ell-networked contenders are likely to feature prominently in the upcoming simultaneous regional elections as dynastic politics rears its head once again, just months before voters return to the polls in November to elect their regional leaders. Relatives of a serving politician running for elected office has become commonplace since 2015, when the Constitutional Court lifted a ban on conflicts of interest in the Regional Elections Law.

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Relatives of a serving politician running for elected office has become commonplace since 2015, when the Constitutional Court lifted a ban on conflicts of interest in the Regional Elections Law.

READ MORE: https://www.thejakartapost.com/indonesia/2024/05/23/more-dynasties-in-the-making-in-november-regional-head-elections.html

Dio Suhenda
The Jakarta Post
Jakarta Thu, May 23, 2024

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