“World Fish Migration Day” | River Ocean Cleanup (ROC) holds cooperates with stakeholders to celebrate in Phnom Penh

ROC, students, and volunteer people are collecting garbage along the river bank located in front of the Sokha hotel. Tith Kongnov. / Tith Kongnov / Khmer Times

River Ocean Cleanup (ROC) holds “World Fish Migrant Day” in Phnom Penh to ensure the extinct species are conserved and raise awareness among people who are living along the river to keep waste properly in the Phnom Penh river today.

This event was attended by over 200 students and other volunteers who loved the environment by collecting garbage along the river bank.

Hong Kibura, head of the ROC mission, said yesterday that ROC always takes this day to organise “World Fish Migration Day,” aimed at encouraging people and fisheries to stop illegal fishing and especially to encourage them to keep garbage in trash properly without throwing it into the river.

He added that on this day, ROC has also organised some activities in celebration of “World Fish Migration Day” by gathering over 200 youths and students to collect garbage along the river bank and educate people who are living along the river with instructions on the consequences of throwing garbage into the river.

“I call on the fisheries and people who are living along the river to love the natural resources that are living in the water, especially the rare fish species, and they should not throw garbage into the river; it will affect the water quality of the river,” Kibura said.

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Mean Vouch Chheng, who is a volunteer member of ROC, also said yesterday that she was very happy to join with ROC to celebrate “World Fish Migration Day” by gathering her friends to collect the garbage along the river.

She said that the garbage should not be in the river because it will affect any biodiversity in the water and will also have a bad impact on the environment and tourism in the Kingdom.

“I urge the young people and fisheries that they are living on the water to love the environment by stopping illegal gear, especially by instructing their member families to keep waste properly to make the environment clean and beautiful,” she said.


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