ASEAN HEADLINE-EXPO | Cambodia to participate in China-ASEAN tourism expo in September

The Cambodian Ministry of Tourism (MoT) will participate in the China-ASEAN Expo Tourism Exhibition (CAEXPO) 2024 to be held at the Guilin International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Guilin City, China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from September 24 to 29.

According to the MoT’s press release, the event, themed “Deeping Integration of Culture and Tourism, Jointly Building the Belt and Road,” will have more than 800 exhibition booths, 500 buyers from ASEAN member countries, and more than 5,000 visitors.


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“The participation of the MoT in the event will strengthen the cooperation between public and private sectors of Cambodia, China, and ASEAN member countries, and promote Cambodia as a leading tourism destination following the ASEAN spirit and ‘BUILD + 3Ds’ strategic initiative of the MoT. As well as promote the ‘Visit Siem Reap 2024’ campaign and continue to implement the ‘Cambodia-China People-to-People Exchange Year 2024’ to attract more tourists and investors from China and ASEAN countries to visit and invest in Cambodia,” the press release underlined.

Therefore, the source added, the MoT invites all tourism associations, tour operators, and the public and private sectors to participate in the above-mentioned event to widely promote Cambodia package tours to the Chinese and international markets.

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