ASEANEWS HEADLINE-TOURISM | CAMBODIA: Giant clock in Kampot ready on time for tourism

Construction of the giant clock in Ta Ang village, Troeuy Koh commune near Kampot city is complete. Koh Santepheap


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Kampot has a new attraction to wow the public – a giant clock on the riverside. Construction of the clock was completed yesterday. The giant clock is expected to become another iconic monument and crowd pleaser, much like the popular seahorse sculpture.


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Built in Khmer traditional style with a tubular structure and numbers in Khmer script, the brand new landmark is a 35-metre-tall clock with a face 9.7 metres in diameter. The clock is certain to attract more tourists to Kampot.

Deputy Director of Information Department Vong Sophearom, said yesterday, “Construction of the clock began with building the foundation in June. Now, we have finished the installation ceremony on August 22, with the Governor of Kampot province Mao Thonin presiding over the event. Yesterday, we installed the clock face, and the technical team say it will be ready today.”

He said that the governor of Kampot province has taken action on the tourism sector, introducing new projects, including beaches, theme parks and the popular seahorse statue, which is drawing thousands of tourists. He added that local tradespeople and ordinary residents are seeing a boost to their incomes.

The exact location of the giant clock is in Ta Ang village, Troeuy Koh commune, Kampot City, on the west bank of the Kampot River, across from Kampot Provincial Hall, about 500 metres south of the seahorse statue.

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The 8-metre-tall seahorse statue in Kampot quickly has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in the province. It was inaugurated formally on April 10.

The seahorse spouts water into the river and is located in the garden in front of the old Provincial Hall. It is lit up in the evening with colourful lights.

Som Sotheary
/ Khmer Times

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