First Thing Last: Quiboloy looks down on children as sex animals (not guilty to human): Apollo Quiboloy pleads not guilty to human trafficking raps

Apollo Quiboloy (C, in orange), pastor and founder of the Philippine-based Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) church, leaves after attending the arraignment at Pasig City Regional Trial Court in Metro Manila on September 13, 2024. /AFP / Jam Sta Rosa


First Things Last
By Kiddo



Apollo Quiboloy pleads not guilty to human trafficking raps

Jean Mangaluz –

MANILA, Philippines — Self-proclaimed “son of God” and accused human trafficker Apollo Quiboloy pleaded not guilty to human trafficking charges lodged against him, according to his lawyer Israelito Torreon on Friday, September 13.

The Pasic City Regional Trial Court was packed with security and media upon the arrival of Quiboloy, who donned a bulletproof vest and helmet as he walked into the building.

Proceedings took place behind closed doors but Quiboloy’s lawyer Israelito Torreon told the media that they could no longer issue a comment since the case is now under the court’s jurisdiction.


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“Not guilty ang kanyang plea,” Torreon said. (His plea is not guilty.)

Quiboloy has dodged Philippine authorities for several months. Arrest warrants for Quiboloy from Davao and Pasig courts were issued all the way back in April.

The manhunt reached a fever pitch when the Philippine National Police came in drones to serve the arrest warrant at the Kingdom Of Jesus Christ (KOJC) compound in Davao City in late August.

KOJC followers protested police presence in the compound, blocking off a national highway in the city. Several police officers were injured during the protest.

The standoff came to an end when Quiboloy surrendered to authorities.

On top of the human trafficking charges lodged against him in the Philippines, Quiboloy is also wanted in the United States for sex trafficking, conspiracy, bulk cash smuggling and more.

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More allegations of sexual abuse have surfaced, involving victims as young as 12 years old.

The Senate also has an outstanding warrant of arrest for Quiboloy due to his failure to attend their hearings probing his alleged criminal activities.


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