ART-PHOTOGRAPHY | Photographer Prabowo Prajogio finds beauty and ‘joy’ in colors

Vivid muses: Some of the subjects whose photos Prabowo “Bowo“ Prajogio have captured are Asmara Abigail (pictured), Ramengvrl and Warren Hue. (Courtesy of Prabowo Prajogio) (Courtesy of Prabowo Prajogio)



The 30-year-old photographer impresses different branches of photography with his playful exploration of color schemes and polychromy.


After hustling and bustling in the professional photography scene for almost a decade, Prabowo “Bowo” Prajogio learned what he considered the most important key to being the crème de la crème in his craft: That the best way to succeed is by being in a class of itself.

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Long story short, Bowo is now regarded in his community as the lensman known for his colorful compositions and polychromatic portraits.


During a conversation with The Jakarta Post on Dec. 14, however, the 30-year-old photographer let slip a little secret. “To be honest, back in the day, I wasn’t an avid fan of colors,” he said with a grin.

Felix Martua (The Jakarta Post)
Jakarta   ●   Thu, January 5, 2023

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