ASEAN HEADLINE-HEALTH | USAID supporting Laos to strengthen health security

(From left) Ambassador Heather Variava, Dr Bounfeng Phoummalaysith and Dr Timothy Armstrong co-chair the health meeting on Monday.




The Ministry of Health, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have announced a significant new collaboration aimed at enhancing health security and preparedness in Laos.

The launch of the project took place in Vientiane on Monday, with Minister of Health Dr Bounfeng Phoummalaysith joining the US Ambassador to Laos, Ms Heather Variava, and WHO Representative Dr Timothy Armstrong.

This new cooperation will see USAID contribute US$10 million to WHO’s operations in Laos.

The Minister of Health stressed the importance of continuous efforts to prepare and respond to public health emergencies, referencing over 30 outbreaks and acute public health events faced by Laos in 2023 alone.

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“Strengthening health security and protecting our people is a priority for Laos. We are focused on developing and reviewing the National Work Plan for public health emergency preparedness and response to ensure our capacity to handle health security threats,” he said.

“The expanded support from USAID will lead to better health outcomes and improved International Health Regulation capacities through the implementation of the National Health Security Workplan for 2022-2025,” Dr Bounfeng said.

The plan aims to enhance health security in Laos and the region by focusing on disease surveillance, risk assessment, laboratory improvements, outbreak detection, prevention and control, and mitigation of risks from zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

Additionally, it will improve public health emergency management systems, risk communication, and multisectoral collaboration.

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Ambassador Variava echoed the importance of collaboration and the expanding health partnership with Laos.
“The United States is committed to partnering with Laos in its efforts to strengthen health security. This funding will help support Laos in building a more resilient health system and preparing for future pandemics and epidemics,” the Ambassador said.

“We are deeply grateful for the continued collaboration with these two trusted partners, the Ministry of Health and WHO. Together, we can and will protect health and save lives,” she added.

The new funding will support a range of activities, covering disease surveillance, improved laboratory capabilities, prevention of and response to public health emergencies, public awareness, and multi-sector collaboration.

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Dr Armstrong commended the progress made by Laos, saying “Laos has demonstrably improved its capabilities to respond to disease outbreaks and threats. However, no country is immune, and we must ensure constant vigilance to remain safe and protected.”

The United States Government, through USAID, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Defense, and WHO, has long supported health improvements in Laos. This includes efforts to combat COVID-19 through vaccinations, strengthening epidemiological and laboratory capacities, and enhancing infection prevention and control measures.

With this new partnership, Laos is set to further enhance its core capacities required under the International Health Regulations (2005), ensuring both national and global health security.

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By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update June 20, 2024)

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