ASEAN HEADLINE: MYANMAR: Ceasefire between Brotherhood Alliance and Myanmar military ends in northern Shan State


CAMBODIA: Authorities investigate after Australian dies in Cambodian hotel room

Khmer Times


Authorities investigated after an Australian man died in a Battambang hotel room.

The man died on the afternoon of June 25, 2024 at the Star Hotel along in Prek Mohatep village, Svay Por commune, Battambang city, Battambang province.

Sources state that the man – named as HAMID CHAOUI, a 73-year-old Australian man – was a long term resident of the hotel.

Police state that the victim had high blood pressure and, while walking out of the bathroom, fell backwards, causing a stroke and causing the victim to die immediately.

After the inspection, the authorities transported the body to Phnom Penh to hand over to the embassy to contact relatives and families to send the body back to Australia.


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MYANMAR: Ceasefire between Brotherhood Alliance and Myanmar military ends in northern Shan State

The MNDAA and TNLA, members of the Brotherhood Alliance and parties to a temporary truce with the junta mediated by China, both resumed fighting with the regime forces in northern Shan State this week

MNDAA and TNLA troops seen in Hsenwi (Hseni), Kutkai Township

The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) announced on Tuesday morning that it had resumed anti-junta offensive operations in northern Shan State in response to multiple ceasefire violations by the Myanmar military.

The announcement came two days after a clash broke out near Lashio, northern Shan State between the military and the TNLA’s ally, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)—also known as the Kokang Army—which had been a party to the same ceasefire agreement.

Along with a third allied organisation—the Arakan Army, which operates primarily in Rakhine State—the Ta’ang and Kokang groups are both members of the Brotherhood Alliance, which launched a coordinated offensive against regime forces dubbed “Operation 1027” in October 2023.

A ceasefire agreement mediated by the Chinese government, sometimes called the “Haigeng agreement” brought Operation 1027 to a temporary halt in January of this year.


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SINGAPORE: S’pore’s anti-money laundering efforts led to seizure of $6b in criminal proceeds since 2019

About $416 million have been returned to victims, while $1 billion have been forfeited to the state. ST PHOTO:

SINGAPORE – Anti-money laundering efforts in Singapore saw the authorities seize $6 billion linked to criminal and money laundering activities between January 2019 and June 2024.

About $416 million have been returned to victims, while $1 billion have been forfeited to the state.

A large bulk of the remaining sum is linked to ongoing investigations or court proceedings, according to details published in Singapore’s first-ever National Asset Recovery Strategy.


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