COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Myanmar on May 16 at 7 am, total  of patient 182

Number of COVID-19 cases in Myanmar inches up to 182


‘The 2019 Plague” Day 170’


The Ministry of Health and Sport reported a new COVID-19 positive case in Myanmar on May 16 at 7 am, taking the total number of COVID-19 patients in the country to 182.

Case 182, aged 32, had returned from Malaysia and was completing a mandatory 21-day quarantine at a government center where he tested positive. He lives in Htantlang township in Chin State and has been admitted to a station hospital at Htantlang for treatment.

It is unclear if Case 182 was part of 391 illegal Myanmar migrants repatriated by the Malaysian authorities on May 11.



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The National Health Laboratory tested 267 other persons suspected of being infected with the virus but all the results were negative. From January 31 to May 15 at 8 pm, the government tested 12,995 people for the disease.



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The COVID-19 count in Myanmar to date is 182, with six deaths and 89 recoveries, according to the health ministry data.

So far, there are seven COVID-19 patients from Chin State – five from Tedim, one from Hakha and one from Htantlang township.

Two out of seven patients in Chin State are on the road to recovery after recent tests showed no remaining signs of the virus. This include Case 1, a 36-year-old US green card holder who returned to Myanmar and tested positive on March 23.

No cases have been found yet in Kayin, Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, Rakhine, and Kayah Regions and States.

Aid groups said there are an estimated 500,000 documented and illegal Myanmar migrant workers in Malaysia.

Last week, a total of 16 Myanmar citizens who were charged and punished for petty crime in Thailand also returned to the country via the Thailand-Myanmar No.2 Friendship Bridge at Myawaddy on May 13, said Kayin State Hluttaw MP U Thant Zin Aung.

From May 1 to May 13, official records show that 396 people have returned to Myanmar via the Thai border. However, around 30 people reentered via other methods of travel, such as crossing the Thaungyin River at the Thai border.

All those who return are subject to a 21-day quarantine at a facility followed by seven more days at home.



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The Ministry of Health and Sport reported a new COVID-19 positive case in Myanmar on May 16 at 7 am, taking the total number of COVID-19 patients in the country to 182.

Case 182, aged 32, had returned from Malaysia and was completing a mandatory 21-day quarantine at a government center where he tested positive. He lives in Htantlang township in Chin State and has been admitted to a station hospital at Htantlang for treatment.

It is unclear if Case 182 was part of 391 illegal Myanmar migrants repatriated by the Malaysian authorities on May 11.



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The National Health Laboratory tested 267 other persons suspected of being infected with the virus but all the results were negative. From January 31 to May 15 at 8 pm, the government tested 12,995 people for the disease.



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The COVID-19 count in Myanmar to date is 182, with six deaths and 89 recoveries, according to the health ministry data.

So far, there are seven COVID-19 patients from Chin State – five from Tedim, one from Hakha and one from Htantlang township.

Two out of seven patients in Chin State are on the road to recovery after recent tests showed no remaining signs of the virus. This include Case 1, a 36-year-old US green card holder who returned to Myanmar and tested positive on March 23.

No cases have been found yet in Kayin, Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, Rakhine, and Kayah Regions and States.

Aid groups said there are an estimated 500,000 documented and illegal Myanmar migrant workers in Malaysia.

Last week, a total of 16 Myanmar citizens who were charged and punished for petty crime in Thailand also returned to the country via the Thailand-Myanmar No.2 Friendship Bridge at Myawaddy on May 13, said Kayin State Hluttaw MP U Thant Zin Aung.



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From May 1 to May 13, official records show that 396 people have returned to Myanmar via the Thai border. However, around 30 people reentered via other methods of travel, such as crossing the Thaungyin River at the Thai border.

All those who return are subject to a 21-day quarantine at a facility followed by seven more days at home.



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