COURTS & CRIME-DU30 E.J.K. : Eagle eyes by Tony La Vina- ICC jurisdiction over Duterte crimes
Eagle eyes by Tony La Vina
“The Chamber decision lifts heavily from and quotes extensively Prosecutor Fatua Bensouda’s submissions.”
”The Chamber also takes into account the materials submitted by non-governmental organizations and media reports, communications from organizations received under Article 15(1) and (2) of the Statute, and official documents, which the Prosecutor further expounded into the two categories including:
First, the killings committed during official law enforcement anti-drug operations, such as —
1. during purported ‘buy-bust’ operations,
2. killings during purported ‘Tokhang’ operations (police visits to drug suspects at their homes in order to urge them to abandon their involvement with drugs and to surrender to the police),

3. killings in the context of ‘One Time, Big Time’ operations,
4. killings in other official operations, such as at checkpoints, during patrols or during search or arrest operations, and,
5. killings of persons acknowledged to be in police custody or detention.

Included under the second category are the killings outside of official law enforcement operations which, as alleged by the Prosecutor, are killings where “there is information of a link to the so-called ‘war on drugs’ campaign, as ‘the perpetrators of such killings appear to include law enforcement officers who sought to conceal their true identity, private actors who coordinated with and were paid by the police, and in some cases other private individuals or groups instigated to act by the government’s [‘war on drugs’] campaign and statements by President Rodrigo Duterte calling for drug suspects to be killed’. Moreover, the Prosecutor alleges that the victim profile, motives and modus operandi indicate that there is a link to the so-called ‘war on drugs’ campaign,” the Chamber adds.The Chamber further states that, “the supporting material provided by the Prosecutor sustains at this stage of the proceedings the submission that persons were killed by Philippine security forces or by other persons in execution of the so-called ‘war on drugs’ campaign after 1 July 2016.
Killings as part of the so-called ‘war on drugs’ were also referred to in the vast majority of the victims’ representations received xxx.
”On the killings during ‘buy-bust’ operations, the Chamber reiterates the Prosecutor’s discussion in the Request, citing Article 15(3), mentioning a number of specific scenarios in which killings occurred.
The Chamber takes into account the Prosecutor’s allegation that, “the first of these are killings during ‘buy-bust’ operations, defined and regulated in the police manual on anti-illegal drugs operations.
Essentially, ‘buy-bust’ operations involve a ‘poseur buyer’ engaging in a transaction with a drug suspect, for the purpose of effecting an arrest.”Also mentioned are concrete examples of killings provided by the Prosecutor that allegedly occurred during Tokhang operations, killings during so-called ‘One Time, Big Time’ operations as well as killings during other official operations.
At this point, the Chamber again touches on the consistent claim of self-defence by security forces noting that the claim is discredited by the systematic existence of “contradicting accounts of the killings, centering on the question of whether there existed in each case circumstances justifying the use of lethal force by the Philippine security forces.
” By way of example, the Chamber notes that the “Philippine security forces have acknowledged that persons were killed during anti-drug operations, but have consistently claimed that the deaths resulted from officers acting in self-defense.Website: Facebook: deantonylavs Twitter: tonylav