ALIEN-UFO: Texas zoo asks for help identifying ‘strange image’ caught on camera.

Texas zoo asks for help identifying ‘strange image’ caught on camera: ‘Do you have any ideas?’

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The city of Amarillo, Texas, went viral after it tweeted for help in identifying a mysterious figure caught on the city zoo’s security cameras.

On June 8, the city of Amarillo shared the following post on Twitter and Facebook, which included an image of the “Unidentified Amarillo Object” standing near the zoo’s perimeter at 1:25 a.m.

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According to a CNN report, the zoo’s security cameras are motion activated and alert officials when they capture particular objects. The report featured an interview with Amarillo’s Parks and Recreation director, Michael Kashuba, who discussed the zoo’s theories for what the figure could be.

“[It could be] a raccoon standing on its hind legs,” Kashuba said. “Or it could potentially be a person walking through the park that just happened to get captured in a peculiar way.”

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However, many locals believe that the strange figure could be a chupacabra, a creature from urban legends. According to Merriam-Webster, a chupacabra “drinks the blood of livestock and is reported to exist in North and South America.”

All seriousness aside, Twitter users had more colorful theories on what the chupacabra-like object could be. Many who tweeted compared the figure to anthropomorphic characters in pop culture, such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Swiper from Dora the Explorer, or Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn even provided his own input, comparing the chupacabra figure to Weasel from his film The Suicide Squad.

Others believe that the figure could be Ylvis, the star of the viral song “What Does the Fox Say?”

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