OPINION-ASEAN | ACADEMIA – Why ASEAN should remain center stage
Leaders of ASEAN and its dialogue partners link hands during a photo session on Nov. 4, 2019 during the 14th East Asia Summit, held on the sidelines of the 35th ASEAN Summit in Bangkok, Thailand. (AFP/Manan Vatsyayana)
ASEAN celebrated its 55th anniversary earlier this month, at a time when the world was confronting its worst crisis.
A series of ministerial meetings within ASEAN and with the group’s dialogue partners were held in Phnom Penh to address the crisis and its impacts on the region.
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Needless to say, ASEAN is facing an uphill battle.
While a worsening political and humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Myanmar, multidimensional challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific are coming to the fore at the same time.
It is, nevertheless, fair to look at ASEAN from a “glass half full” perspective.
Those challenges are indeed unprecedented, _and have therefore put the group’s effectiveness and relevance to the test.
Only through stronger and consistent resolve, as well as stronger unity and centrality, can ASEAN prevent tensions from exploding into a military conflicts.
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Ngurah Swajaya
The Jakarta Post
Tue, August 30, 2022
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