FLORICULTURE | New ‘glass-like’ orchid species discovered in Japan

TOKYO (AFP) – A new species of orchid with delicate, glass-like blooms has been discovered by Japanese scientists, who found the pink and white plant hiding in plain sight.
Despite its presence in Japan’s parks and gardens, it took researchers at Kobe University a decade to confirm that the plant – dubbed the Spiranthes hachijoensis – was a previously unknown species.
“It was a surprise to discover a new species of spiranthes, which is so common that you can see it in parks, gardens and among potted plants,” lead researcher Kenji Suetsugu told AFP yesterday.
Some of the samples were “from potted plants and gardens”, including ones kept at a high school in Japan’s central Gifu region, the phytology professor said.
“From its curious look and dainty blooms that resemble glasswork, this flower has long been loved by people,” the university said in a press release.
The plant, with its spiralling blossoms, was even mentioned in Japan’s oldest anthology of poems, the eighth-century Manyoshu.
The discovery of the new type of spiranthes, sometimes known as “ladies’ tresses”, was announced last week in the Journal of Plant Research. It was given the name hachijoensis because many samples were found on Tokyo’s Hachijojima island.

A retail greenhouse shows some of the diversity of floricultural plants

Flower seedlings sold at a local market in Breda, Netherlands
Floriculture, or flower farming, is a branch of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and for floristry, comprising the floral industry. The development of new varieties by plant breeding is a major occupation of floriculturists.
Floriculture crops include beddings plants, houseplants, flowering garden and pot plants, cut cultivated greens, and cut flowers. As distinguished from nursery crops, floriculture crops are generally herbaceous. Bedding and garden plants consist of young flowering plants (annuals and perennials) and vegetable plants.
They are grown in cell packs (in flats or trays), in pots, or in hanging baskets, usually inside a controlled environment, and sold largely for gardens and landscaping. Pelargonium (“geraniums”), Impatiens (“busy lizzies”), and Petunia are the best-selling bedding plants. The many cultivars of Chrysanthemum are the major perennial garden plant in the United States.
Flowering plants are largely sold in pots for indoor use. The major flowering plants are poinsettias, orchids, florist chrysanthemums, and finished florist azaleas. Foliage plants are also sold in pots and hanging baskets for indoor and patio use, including larger specimens for office, hotel, and restaurant interiors.
Cut flowers are usually sold in bunches or as bouquets with cut foliage. The production of cut flowers is specifically known as the cut flower industry. Farming flowers and foliage employs special aspects of floriculture, such as spacing, training and pruning plants for optimal flower harvest; and post-harvest treatment such as chemical treatments, storage, preservation and packaging. In Australia and the United States some species are harvested from the wild for the cut flower market.
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