SHOWBIZ | CHINA’S DECEPTION | China zoo denies allegations that star attraction is a man in a sun bear costume
They pointed to the bear’s human-like movements while standing and waving, and also what appeared to be pants-like folds around its rear when standing.
.Some people pointed out the bear’s human-like movements and what appeared to be pant-like folds around its rear when standing. PHOTO: SHAOXIA33139500/TWITTER
It is a bearly believable sight.
In a video that has gone viral, a black-coloured bear at a zoo in China can be seen standing on its two hind legs on the precipice of a rock feature, and interacting with tourists by waving its paws.
However, there is apparently more than meets the eye at the sun bear exhibit at Hangzhou Zoo, which is reportedly a popular tourist attraction.
The netizen who posted the video is convinced that the “talented” bear is actually a human in a costume, reported Hangzhou Daily.
The zoo on Saturday denied the charge, adding that the temperature on the day the video was taken was 40 deg C, and a person wearing a suit would not be able to tolerate the heat.
Despite this, some people continue to believe that the black bear was a human in a costume, reported another Chinese news outlet, Jimu News.
They pointed to the bear’s human-like movements while standing and waving, and also what appeared to be pants-like folds around its rear when standing.