PAPER EDITIONS-TOP STORIES |12.4.23 | Terrorists eyed in MSU bombing


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CAMBODIA: Raising standards: Govt sets 2 yrs to create up to 1,000 model public schools


Grade 4 students attending class at Chak Angre Elementary school in Phnom Penh. KT/Yarn Soveit

Under its Pentagonal Strategy, the Prime Minister Hun Manet–led government has set a two-year goal of transforming between 500 and 1,000 public schools into model ones by improving their quality from the kindergarten up to high school level.


Mr Hun Manet laid bare the plan while presiding over the Cabinet meeting on Friday as the new academic year began.

He laid out key measures to transform the public schools into high-standard ones, including strengthening school governance, curriculum design and extracurricular activities, focusing on student health, and state and community partnerships to promote education.

LAOS: Laos sees economic recovery but challenges remain: World Bank

The World Bank is projected that Lao economy will grow at 4.1 percent in 2024. –Photo Katai Thatdam


The Lao economy is witnessing a gradual recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, with GDP growth forecast at 3.7 percent this year, up from 2.7 percent in 2022, according to the latest World Bank economic update issued on Thursday.

The report, titled Fiscal Policy for Stability, projects that the Lao economy will grow at 4.1 percent in 2024, but challenges will remain due to skyrocketing inflation, high external debt and a labour shortage.

The economic improvement is largely due to stronger performance in tourism, the transport and logistics services, and greater foreign investment, but the growth rate is lower than was previously expected, according to the World Bank.

The report shows inflation has increased consumption and business costs, thereby reducing household spending on food, education and health. Inflation has also depleted savings, placing many families at risk of falling into poverty.

MYANMAR: After weeks of preparation, MNDAA says it has entered Laukkai

The group has been planning to make a full-scale bid for control of the key Kokang border town since mid-November

The group has been planning to make a full-scale bid for control of the key Kokang border town since mid-November

Anti-regime forces in northern Shan State say they have begun their final push for control of Laukkai, the administrative centre of the Kokang Self-Administered Zone on the China-Myanmar border.

Li Kyar Win, the spokesperson for the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), told Myanmar Now on Friday. . .


SINGAPORE:  Owner loses 5-room HDB flat after renting it out illegally


The owner of a five-room HDB flat had his unit repossessed as he put the whole unit out in the rental market illegally. ST PHOTO: JASON QUAH

A crafty property investor came up with a “foolproof” scheme – buy a new public housing unit, rope in a dodgy estate agent and then blatantly ignore HDB rules to rent it all out. What could possibly go wrong?


Pretty much everything, as it happens, even though it does provide the rest of us with a fine example of penny wise pound foolish behaviour.



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