ASEAN HEADLINE | Cambodia: Hun Sen refutes ‘development triangle’ conspiracy theories

Senate President Hun Sen delivers a special video message on the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Cooperation Triangle (CLV-DTA) and refutes the falsehoods about it spreading online. KT/Khem Sovannara

Senate President Hun Sen has vehemently denied allegations that he had signed an agreement to cede any of Cambodia’s national territory to Vietnam through the establishment of the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle (CLV-DTA).



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Mr Hun Sen addressed the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam triangle development cooperation framework in a live video yesterday.

“Cambodia, under my leadership, did not sign any agreement to integrate Cambodian territory into the territory of Vietnam,” Mr Hun Sen said.

“We will not tolerate those who are smearing and slandering the true story of the CLV cooperation. Those who incite people against the CLV will face legal action and those persons who live abroad are not excused for their actions either,” he said.

“This development triangle was initiated by me. First I asked for support from Laos, then I asked for support from Vietnam. But the two prime ministers of Laos and Vietnam whom I had asked for support are now dead,” he said.

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“In the triangle development agreement, there is nothing that leads to the loss of national sovereignty. The sovereignty of each country is marked by clear boundaries,” he said.

Mr Hun Sen called on the government to identify those individuals who have frequently incited the public by telling lies about cooperation in the development triangle – including those abroad for whom it will be necessary to identify their families still living in Cambodia.

The CLV Development Triangle Area, established 25 years ago, has contributed to promoting socio-economic development and regional connectivity as well as exchanges among parliaments, governments, organisations and peoples through comprehensive cooperation across transport, telecommunications, energy, trade, investment, industry, finance-banking, agriculture, tourism and healthcare, among others.


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Mr Hun Sen said that the CLV will provide Cambodia with good economic options by making it easier to transport goods and sell and exchange the products of the three peoples.

He said it will also prevent security issues, improve national defence, prevent drug smuggling, stop illegal logging and ensure there will be no armed movements crossing the border from Vietnam and Laos.

He noted important cooperation had been carried out in the fields of education, health and human resource training, disaster management for floods and forest fires along the border.

In the special message, Mr Hun Sen also announced the arrest of three individuals who had distorted the truth about the CLV.

He reprimanded a handful of unscrupulous individuals for spreading falsehoods, emphasising that Cambodia would never compromise its sovereignty through the establishment of the CLV. He added that such allegations were a grave insult that could not be excused.


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“These misleading statements about Cambodia’s sovereignty are not only false but also deeply offensive,” he said.

He added that the CLV is a development cooperation framework aimed at fostering economic growth and regional collaboration among Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

Furthermore, Mr Hun Sen called for the court to prosecute those who misrepresented the facts to the fullest extent of the law. He also urged that the names of these individuals should not be included in any lists for commutations or pardons.

In March, the CLV organised its 13th Meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee on CLV Development Triangle Area in Attapeu province, Laos, which was chaired by Laotian Minister of Planning and Investment Khamjane Vongphosi.. Minister of Commerce Cham Nimul and Vietnam’s Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung also participated.

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