ASIA GEOPOLITICS | Border wars: New Chinese map angers Putin

Who owns the island?©Provided
by The Daily Digest

Ownership of Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island had been in dispute between Russia and China until the claims were resolved in 2005 when the island was partitioned according to the Indian online magazine Outlook.

Photo Credit: Wiki Commons By Insider – Own Eork, CC BY-SA 3.0

The Kremlin comments©Provided
by The Daily Digest

The Kremlin didn’t initially comment on the new map but officials from the Russian government eventually broke their silence on the change saying the dispute had long been settled.

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“The Russian and Chinese sides adhere to the common position that the border issue between our countries has been finally resolved,” Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said in a statement that was translated by Newsweek at the time it was made.


Settled in 2005©Provided
by The Daily Digest


“Its settlement was marked by the ratification in 2005 of the Supplementary Agreement on the Russian-Chinese state border on its eastern part, according to which Bolshoi Ussuriysky Island was divided between the parties,” Zakharova continued.



A border in 2008©Provided
by The Daily Digest

Zakharova added that a demarcation of a common border had been established along the entire length of the island in 2008, adding that both Russia and China had confirmed “the absence of mutual territorial claims” since at least 2001.


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