EDITORIAL: The Straits Times says- Looking ahead to a year of recovery
The Straits Times

If last year was the Year of Covid-19, this year may well be called the Year of the Vaccine. The first batch of vaccines has arrived in Singapore, and inoculation has begun. And as Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in his New Year message, we can now see light at the end of the tunnel. After the pervasive darkness that filled the tunnel for almost 12 months, the vaccines carry the hope of medical recovery from a disease that has battered personal and social lives, and the economy. Fortunately, the fatality rate has been very low in Singapore, unlike in nations where the coronavirus pandemic has cut a deeper swathe through large segments of the population. Nevertheless, Singaporeans suffered like everyone else.
Looking ahead, the fruits of stability, achieved painstakingly over a year of social and economic contraction, should become available for enjoyment by Singaporeans. True, it will take time for sufficient numbers of people to be vaccinated before Singapore is safe from another major uncontrolled outbreak. But that is a realisable goal because of the availability of vaccines. What also matters is the willingness of Singaporeans and others who are eligible to go for inoculations instead of being held back by non-medical concerns – and misinformation. It stands to reason that the effectiveness of the vaccines includes their safety. The sooner everyone here can enjoy collective protection from Covid-19, the sooner they will feel safe and comfortable enough to fully resume work and other activities, albeit with changes. Realistically, there is no likelihood of returning to the days and routines before the pandemic struck. Measures such as safe distancing and mask wearing continue to be necessary.
READ MORE: https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/st-editorial/looking-ahead-to-a-year-of-recovery