ASEAN HEADLINE | JAKARTA/SINGAPORE: Singapore passengers unhappy over high Batam ferry prices as Indonesia probes possible price-fixing

Before the pandemic, ferry services between Batam and Singapore served 3.9 million passengers annually, including 1.9 million foreign tourists. ST PHOTO:

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PEOPLE-OBITUARY | Finnish Nobel Peace laureate and former president Ahtisaari dies at 86

Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari listens to media after his arrival in Oslo, Norway December 8, 2008. (Reuters/Ints Kalnins)

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WORLD – ASIA GEOPOLITICS | JAKARTA- State firms accused of selling arms to Myanmar junta

Surviving: Evacuated Rohingya people from Myanmar sit on the shorelines of Lancok village, in Indonesia’s North Aceh Regency on June

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